Report by Mick Pilling...State of Bridlington Hospital A Complete Failure?

Wednesday 10th June 09

I have to report again about the failings at Bridlington Hospital; New Chief Executive same old problems, how can Bridlington patients cope with the continued let down of services.

1. Yet again we have 24 beds CLOSED? Why? No staff, because of Public out-cry last time this happened, the Trust in there infamous wisdom have closed 8 beds in 3 Wards, Sly? Wards, LLOYD, KENT & THORNTON all have 8 beds closed and not in use, a disgusting state of affairs

2. We have also found out that the Urgent Access Clinic is CLOSED; if you remember the IRP & Professor George Alberto recommended this because of the removal of the CMU Cardiac Monitoring why is it CLOSED!
We have also been informed by patients that there is no doctor on duty at Bridlington on a weekend...WHY?

3. The Renal Dialysis Unit is still on 3 days..WHY? We are informed by staff the 3 days could go on until September 09? What about the patients?

4. The New GP lead unit should have opened 01 June 09...delayed until 14/06/09, what a cock-up

5. To Whom it May Concern.......Bridlington Hospital Open day will be on 19th July 2009

6. The Ambulance services continue to run the gauntlet between Bridlington & Scarborough as more and more patients go to Scarborough A&E, Nothing goes to Bridlington?

As we continue to inform Patients, Visitors and the Residents of Bridlington & surrounding areas...the Trust keeps on reducing services; as stated this hospital was paid for by the residents of Bridlington, the land was donated so why do the services keep on going or are non-existent.
