Case Study of Mrs Brenda Foster & Bridlington Hospital

Dear Sir,

I am a 68 year old lady who has suffered with Bronchiectasis for the past 40 years - I have been told I will never get better just worse as I get older and I am now at the stage were I am admitted to hospital every three months or so.

The process of going into hospital for me used to be no problem at all, my husband could take me to Bridlington hospital and I would be admitted to Thornton Ward straight away with no delays. Over the past few months this process has become more and more complicated and difficult and I am now writing to complain about how I was treated when I had to be admitted on the 22nd October, 2009.

The circumstances are as follows:-

I caught a heavy cold and because of my lung problems I became very ill and my husbsnd had to ring my GP in Bridlington my regular GP was not available at the time so he spoke to another GP who advised him to take me to Scarborough Hospital A&E department.

We set off straight away and arrived at Scarborough A&E at 9.20am where I was given X-Rays and various other tests. By this time I was feeling so ill but instead of treating me I was informed I would have to go to Bridlington Hospital but would have to use Hospital transport. So I told my husband he may as well go back home and then come to see me later at Bridlington Hospital.

After a very long wait in which I was feeling more and more ill, I was informed there would be no transport available until later that evening - this was absolutely unbelievable it was now 8 hours and 20 qinutes since we had cqntacted my GP that morning!! I was so upset by now l felt so ill, I had a temperature and was shaking I felt so cold, so I told the staff I would get my husband to come back and take me to Bridlington Hospital (anything I may have needed to cope with my illness was in my car, I always travel well prepared in case of emergencies!) So I telephoned my husband, who is not a well man himself, he has heart problems, and not to mention the cost of the petrol for fwo pensioners!

When we finally arrived at Bridlington Hospital I was admitted to Thornton Ward but then found they were unable to administer the necessary medication because no one on duty knew how to do it! I have a Medicating Line (known as a Passport) permanently in my arm and as far as I am aware there is no one at Scarborough Hospital who knows how to access this Line and I was told the only person who could do this at Bridlington would not be on duty until later that evening! Dr Pond can confirm all this (let's face it you couldn't make it up could you?), he was so apologetic when he found out how I had been treated especially with me being so very ill!

And to add insult to injury the next day I was informed that Thornton Ward (the ward I had been going on for the past 20 years) was closing down on 30th November. I was devastated to be told this as my Passport requires flushing on a monthly basis and has always been done on Thornton Ward. I asked where I should go in future for my treatment and my Medicating Line to be flushed but nobody could give me any information regarding this! As if I don't have enough to worry about with my illness without now worrying so much about what will happen in the future, this uncertainty is making me very stressed, the whole situation has made me very stressed, when I was taken into hospital I was told my stress levels were higher than they had ever been before small wonder in light of what has gone on!! This is in no way a complaint about the staff of either Hospital but about the system which instead of improving with all the changes, has deteriorated and is now absolutely appalling.

People need to know what goes on here in the Backwaters, (because that is what it feels like when it comes to requiring medical attention in Bridlington and Scarborough) and to this end copies of this letter are being forwarded to Look North Television, and various other places in the Media l think I have been treated appallingly!

I would appreciate your comments about this sorry state of affairs. Also I would welcome any information on the route I should take to obtain all necessary treatment in the future?

Yours in anticipation

Mrs Brenda Foster

