Poor Hygiene no stability within hospitals, too many savings

Further to my report today 29th November 2009 the Patient Safety Committee stated that the Scarborough NHS Hospital Trust which runs Bridlington Hospital scored just (2) out of a possible (100) for patient care, this is absolutely diabolical in this day and age, lets not forget only just recently within 2/3 years we have had (4) Chief Executive's: Alison Guy; Iain McInnes; Christine Green and now Richard Sunley all have scored Low or Weak in this area by the Independent Watchdog and the CQC; also Finance Directors; we have had (3) one went in a puff of smoke; Bernard Flynn; resigned the next lasted 2 months and now we have a new one.

In this time scale we have had (3) Health Ministers; MP Ms Hewitt; MP Alan Johnson and now MP Andy Burnham, there is no stability in the NHS no one stays long enough to work together.

Chief Executive Richard Sunley of Scarborough NHS Hospital Trust who came from Cambridge is quoted as saying when he took over Scarborough & Bridlington Hospital's

"Mr Sunley, 48, was previously director of operations at Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. He will take over from interim chief executive Christine Green”.
Mr Sunley said: “I think the reassurance is we will make sure any changes are clinically driven”.

"The key thing is to make a safe clinical service at Bridlington – that’s the nub of the issue there”.
When Richard took over all high ranking staff were either finished or moved on, priority should be to bring under control Health & Safety, Patient care & infections, there is too much stat-as put on Saving Money, Closing Wards, Cutting Overtime etc. All cost saving exercises. They will not get on top of financial problems until stability within the system is sorted.

"Too many people dying in hospitals because of poor hygiene should not be tolerated by patients, if they see things not to there standards it should be duly noted and a photo taken if possible, reported and if nothing is done patients should leave that hospital."

Regards Mick Pilling

Mick Pilling writes:.......This above information from CQC is very alarming as it stated these hospitals were "significantly under-performing" the main question is WHY, is not enough monies being channelled into cleaning or are these Trusts trying to cut corners to save vast amounts of money, we all know that Scarborough NHS Trust have a debt of £22m sat on the fence, they owe a further £7.9m which as to be paid back at £2m a year and they have debts now, the future does not sound rosy.

1. What do you think of the rating systems?
2. Do they reflect your experiences of NHS hospitals?
3. Send Mick your comments about your stay in Scarborough or Bridlington Hospital



