PETITION - F.A.O. The Chief Executive, East Riding of Yorkshire Council,

We, the undersigned petitioners request that the following petition be submitted, if appropriate, to the appropriate Overview Scrutinising Committee and to be taken into consideration at the forthcoming Reserved Matters Council Meeting.

As the first petition against building a hospital on Swinemoor Lane and which contained over 400 Swinemoor residents’ signatures, was lost by the ERY Council, this second petition is being submitted merely as a token representation and compiled only as part of the main exercise, which was to inform the public about a whole range of issues associated with this hospital development on this site and which included its services, cost effectiveness and value to the community, which the majority were actually not aware of.

This petition consists of 150 plus signatures of East Yorkshire residents’ and was compiled over a 5 and a half hour period in Samman Road, Beverley, Driffield high Street and Hornsea’s high street; this equates to one signature every 30 seconds and which, we submit, supports the strength of feeling against the building of this Hospital on Swinemoor lane.

We also submit that if time had allowed, hundreds, probably thousands more signatures could have been obtained, but the first priority had to be to ensure that the wishes of the people were taken into account on this important matter, prior to or during the forthcoming Reserved Matters Council meeting.

While East Yorkshire residents have different reasons for not wanting this hospital built on this site, (and which we hope to be able to submit in more detail at the next planning meeting) all signatories agree that this is the wrong site and the wrong hospital to cater effectively for hundreds and thousands of East Yorkshire residents and would now like to see the funds spent on maintaining and improving services at our local hospitals in Hornsea, Alfred Bean in Driffield and the Westwood in Beverley. Additionally, as Bridlington Hospital is seemingly strategically best placed to deal quickly and effectively with accidents and emergencies occurring in those rural areas of the East Riding to the north of Beverley, it should be revived and fully updated for this purpose in order to save lives and support a community, many who would otherwise have to rely on inadequate public transport to reach a hospital.

