My Profile

Just a brief personal history:

I served in the Royal Corp of Transport for approx 5 years from 1964 to 1969.

I served on Active Service in the Middle East - Aden in 1966, I did a 9 month tour in the Rad-fan Mountains, I also did a tour of Bahrain in 1968 where I was a Staff-car-driver and drove many high ranking personel. 

I also served in Germany travelling through Belgium & Holland, although my home base was in Aldershot, Tidworth & Bulford.

My training took me to many parts of the UK; Army life was just brilliant; I would recommend it to anyone; it gives you self respect and turns you into a man! Well disciplined and smart in appearance.



  My sports included; boxing, weight training, running, un-armed combat, shooting, fresh-water fishing and sea fishing. 

When I came out of the Army I pursued many jobs until going into the building trade; erecting many thousands of Sectional Garages all over the UK.

I did this job until becoming ill and moving from my home town of Bradford where I was born, to Bridlington where I have been for the last 16 years approx...


Retired & disabled, I now run the campaign to protect the Bridlington & District Hospital and fight for a fairer NHS for all; health is paramount and the hospital is Bridlington's future;

We all need our health and travelling 20 to 40 miles to the nearest hospital or A&E is not an option for the people of Bridlington...